[Thursday 3 October 2024 14:23] - []

Checklist for the faculty introduction

For the camp, you will be needing a couple of things. Below is a list of crucial items, like a bike. The camp will be mainly take place outside, keep that in mind when packing your bag/suitcase/backpack. Also you need to transport everything yourself by bike. 

  • Valid Testen voor Toegang QR code usable from Friday until at least 19:00. 
  • Passport, driving licence or ID-card (DON'T FORGET THIS!!! beceasue of testing voor toegang)
  • Health insurance card 
  • A properly working bicycle
  • Air mattress
  • Sleeping bag and possibly a pillow 
  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
  • 1 rubber duck
  • Swimming clothes 
  • Towel
  • White blouse 
  • Tie or choker tie (you can get a Scintilla tie at the Scintilla room) (not a Proto tie)
  • Sport clothes (for outside)
  • Normal clothes (everything that is red would be appreciated) 
  • Spare clothes (extra socks are recommended due to dew on the grass)
  • Cash or debit card for drinks
  • Working flashlight (phone flashlight is fine)
  • Towel, sponge/dish brush, soap
  • Plate, cup and cutlery (there is no extra)
  • Yourself and a good mood, but maybe don't bring your common sense
Stuff that could be useful to bring:
  • Rainclothing
  • Sunglasses
  • Earplugs if you don't like snorers
  • Tire repair kit and bicycle pump for your working bike
  • Glasses/lenses/contact lens solution/medicines if you need those
  • deck of cards, dice, etc. for fun
  • power strip
  • phone charger 

But be careful, we will go to the camp location by bike! Make sure you can take your own stuff with you on a bicycle.