[Thursday 3 October 2024 12:22] - []

Scintilla webteam

This website was made possible by:

Jethro Beekman VP
Hubert Flisijn VP Development
Laurens Fortgens VP Graphics
Tom Vocke VP Graphics
Eelco Dalhuisen VP Database
Olaf van Zandwijk VP Database
Henri de Jong VP Sitemap
Sjoerd op 't Land VP Sitemap



This website is written in PHP with symfony. All applications are hand-made. Fun facts:

  • OS: virtualized Debian 5
  • Webserver: Apache 2.2
  • Database: 3 times MySQL 5, 59 tables
  • Scripting: PHP 5.3, over 20000 lines
  • Frameworks: symfony 1.4, Zend

Response form

Let us know what you think of the website by leaving a message!

Current members of this committee

Johan Verzijden Chairman
Sijmen Schoon Secretary
Bob de Bouwer Initiator
Matthijs Aanen Epibrator
Rolf Spiering Epibrator
Silke Hofstra Epibrator
Alfonso Capitano VP General member
Bart Schuurman VP General member
Boreas Flach General member
Jasper Vinkenvleugel VP General member
Jelle Meijers General member
Jelle Wilbrink General member
Stan Groen General member
Timo van Beelen VP General member
Toby Vreman General member
Willem Mulder General member
Pieter Paasman VP CCP

Future activities organised by this committee

No activities.

[All activities]


No vacancies.

[All vacancies]